Your Guide to eating at a Horse Show

What we do in the gym to prep for a competition is important. What we put in our bodies to prep for a competition? That’s REALLY important.

Don’t get me wrong – a little Micky D’s in a pinch…we’ve all been there. But have you ever felt super sharp and ready to kill it after a Big Mac? That’s what I thought. Let me be your guide on our journey to good eatin’ on the road (and good drinkin’ too). Don’t forget we’re made up of 75% water. Drink PLENTY of if throughout you day.

Now some of you might start by saying – this doesn’t apply to me. “I don’t even get hungry when I’m at a show.” When your sympathetic nervous system is revved up – it’s really easy for your appetite to be suppressed. Controlling your nerves is a whole other blog, so let’s stick to eating tips for now.

As soon as you get your schedule you’re going to want to PLAN.

Write down when you should be eating and try to follow it as best as you can. I would even set alarms on your phone. This is going to help you stay on track and not skip.

What should you be eating?

We’ve already covered that fast food isn’t going to be the optimal choice here. And during a show, your nutrition should match the energy requirements of the work you’re about to do. Overeating (or underrating due to nerves) will not produce the best results. I know I’ve said this before, but think about this scenario in terms of your horse. Would you over/under feed him/her before your competition? Obviously, this is rhetorical.


The goal should be to eat unprocessed food, and in order to do that you’re probably going to need to bring your own food. I know, I know…that sounds like a huge pain and a hassle. And it is! I shall not lie to you! But you are an athlete, and these shows are a part of your passion. When you think of it from that perspective – the pain and hassle is actually a cheap price to pay for success. I will say – you may be one that feels like they can find healthy foods that they can get at nearby restaurants. More power to you. The suggestions below are going to be geared towards those who want to really be in control and pack their meals.


Everyone has their individual preferences when it comes to their nutrition. Some of you eat breakfast without fail and some can do without. Some of you follow specific diets (intermittent fasting, keto, etc.) while others just shoot for the balanced approach. For competition/shows you should prepare to break any fasting as soon as possible. You want to make sure your body AND your brain has the resources it needs to meet the energy requirements of the day. So here are some examples to inspire you.



Eggs / egg-whites (you could go hard boiled, or you can even find some ready-made breakfast bowls in the frozen food aisle)

Greek yogurt

Turkey products like sausage or bacon (these can even be warmed up in a microwave)

Protein shakes







Whole eggs


Peanut butter


This one can be tough because it’s in the middle of the day and you may or may not be done with your ride. You don’t want to eat too much, but you want to eat enough to keep your energy levels up. Remember – that energy is not just for your body. Your brain needs it too. My suggestion here is going to be a sandwich or a wrap. Easy to pack and it can have everything you need! Make sure you’re using good bread/tortillas, high-quality (no nitrates) lunch meat, cheese (if you’d like), possibly avocado or hummus for some good fat and whatever veggies you’d like.

For dessert? Top it off with some fruit. Berries are great for antioxidants, bananas for potassium, oranges for vitamin C and to keep up your immune system. All of these are good. You can also pair these things with a little trail mix (just stay away from the M&M kind). Now if you’re at a show for several days this may sound repetitive. That’s ok! Competition isn’t necessarily about pleasing your palate at every meal. It’s about fueling your body so you can be all you can be in the Army. Wait – that’s something different.


This one is a little easier. Go out, spend time with friends, unwind, de-stress, and refuel – but don’t go too crazy. You don’t want to forget to your goals. Still try and get a good balance of protein, vegetables, and carbs.

Hopefully this gives you enough “how to”, plenty of guidelines and good suggestions to set you up for your next show.

Remember – you are what you eat! Don’t ONLY be a Big Mac…that’s just for sometimes.

Got a question? Drop me a line below👇🏻

Let’s get after it.